Willowdale Emmanuel United Church
Education Event
Peace and Courage (John 16:33)
For the World, Church and Community
Guest speaker Rev.
Eun-Kyung Kim,
Moderator, Presbyterian Church in
Republic of Korea (PROK)
Planning Team Members: David Lim, Inhack Jhung,
Myung Soon Lee, Bill Myhill, Kae MacKenzie, Yeon Soo Kim, Pat Naughton, Helen
Pratt, Sei Young Park, Jason Kim, Lina
Posa, May Hong, Rev. YoonOk Shin & volunteers from WEUC.
October 14th, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Public Event: Opening Worship & Lecture
in the Sanctuary followed by Fellowship in Friendship Room
October 15th, 5 p.m.
WEUC Event: Supper & Presentation by Rev. Kim
All church members invited to attend in the
Friendship Room.
October 16th, 10:30 a.m.
Worship Service with guest preacher, Rev.
Eun-Kyung Kim. Fellowship after the
service in the Friendship Room.