TODAY:Special Fellowship - New
Year Celebration after the
service in the Friendship Room.Traditional
rice cake soup will be served. All welcome!
A WARM WELCOME to Mihee Hwang, pianist/organist for our WEUC services.
FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE: Aschedule is ready for the New Year. Please
sign up where you can help.
TO ALL WEUC COMMITTEE CHAIRS: It's that time of year again - Annual Report Season!Reports for inclusion in the 2024 Annual
Report are due January 31st2025.
Here are some
tips to include in your reports:What were some of the highlights for your
committee in 2024?Provide an overview of your future plans
which will leave everyone excited to be a part of the church ministry.How
does your committee support the vision and mission of the church?Do you have a call to action - do you need
more help in the committee? The Annual Congregational Meeting takes place
on Sunday March 2nd 2025.
March 3, 2025.