HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers and people who are mothering figures at Willowdale Emmanuel United Church. Have a wonderful day.
WEUC COMMUNITY GARDEN Monday May 20th, Victoria Day Holiday, 12 noon. Please come out and get your garden plots ready for the season.
WEUC RUMMAGE SALE FUNDRAISER: Saturday May 25th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Friendship Room, Upper Basement and outside on the front lawn and sidewalk
(weather permitting). Jewellery, baby and kids clothing, toys and gadgets as well as kitchen stuff, clothing, shoes and so much more! Snack bar and bake table. Everyone welcome!
COMMUNITY GARDEN MEET & CHAT meet every Mondays, 12 noon in the Friendship Room or outside in the community garden (weather permitting).
CONTACT US: Willowdale Emmanuel United Church
349 Kenneth Ave., Willowdale ON M2N 4V9 T:416-225-2309 Fax: 416-225-2300 email: weunitedchurch@hotmail.com Website: www.weunitedchurch.com
Minister: Rev. Yoon Ok Shin
T:416-250-7506 (home) 416-225-2309 (office)
Emergency: (780)903-6339 Email: yoonok2009@gmail.com
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
*Schedule may change in case of emergency or other duties.
Friday & Saturday: Rev. YoonOk's days off
Church Administrator: Lina Posa
Church Office Hours: Monday to Thursdays 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.